Why Black Folks Must See Chi-Raq, Even If You Think It May Be Wack

Spike Lee, we can't be mad at you,For using your creativity is what you do.My ire is directed more towards those,Who are angry that Chi-Raq is in couplets not prose
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Recently, I went, with my husband, to see the film Chi-Raq. I knew the film would be satirical, but beyond that, I had avoided reading all reviews, beyond headlines, which would enable me to watch the film with an open mind. Because much of the film was handled in couplets, I decided to use the same format for my review below. Perhaps my perspective will provide some insight regarding this film.

Chi-Raq Review


So we went to the theater eager to know,
Will Chi-Raq be good or will it blow.

Spike is our brother and I feel it's a must,
To see his films whether they boom or bust.

We saw many people in Star Wars Dress
And I said to my husband, "this is a hot mess."

So after we got our Chi-Raq tickets,
We entered the theater and heard nothing but crickets.

There was no one in there,
And I thought damn nobody cares,

Another couple walked in,
Which made four
Followed by two more,
And that's it.
Damn, I hate that shit.

As Chi-Raq began with "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY,"
I sat up in my seat with energy.

We had popcorn and other overly expensive snacks,
And I thought Lawd don't let this movie be wack.

I know of Lysistrata and that satirical situation
But perhaps people need an explanation.

Maybe a handout or a brief
So that the film Chi-Raq doesn't get so much grief.

The Greeks lifted from the ancient Egyptians,
So why is this grab back such a conniption?

As I watched and felt the character's sadness, anger and sorrow,
My mind drifted to writing about this tomorrow.

What will I say about what I am seeing?
Because part of me feels like fleeing.

Samuel Jackson's role was "Do Tell,"
And he definitely did that well.

Jennifer Hudson with tear stained eyes,
Made me feel every moment of her cries.

Angela Bassett delivered the necessary rage,
About Cabrini and losing her daughter at a young age.

I hated that the women were called bitches and hoes,
But loved that many wore natural fros.

One of my biggest gripes,
Is the sadness I felt seeing Wesley Snipes.

They dogged him by putting him in prison,
But, through another Lee film he has risen.

Yes, I felt sad and anger and all that,
and I was uncomfortable from where I sat.

I understand that Lee is an artist that creates,
But Chi-Raq is about violence and hate.

Hatred of Black people and messed up history,
And killing of each other for reasons that are not a mystery.

Poverty, neglect and injustice are just a few to mention,
As to why my people are experiencing so much tension.

It results in violence and tremendous bloodshed,
In Chi-Raq, just so many young people dead.

So, Spike Lee, we can't be mad at you,
For using your creativity is what you do.

You have tried to say something with Love,
Using your talents from God above.

My ire is directed more towards those,
Who are angry that Chi-Raq is in couplets not prose.

Some Black folks are saying "Spike Lee,
I'm not going to see that movie."

They'd rather spend their dime on nonsense and chatter,
But not on what really matters.

I don't know why Spike didn't hold the Prez accountable,
With his executive power, the problems in Chicago are not insurmountable.

After all Chicago is his wife's home city,
So it should be his priority.

No one would fault Spike for that
But on that notion the film fell flat.

But Spike did his best,
Now, we must handle the rest.

Our survival demands that all of us take a stand,
Not solutions from one woman or man.

We must stop waiting on our Gov.,
To move us towards peace and love.

An artist's work is about analysis and critique,
So why is Spike's movie not on fleek?

Get up off that couch and spend that dollar,
And give Spike's movie a hollah.

The answer does not exist in a movie
But in each of us taking responsibility.

For our fate,
Through love, not hate.

So even though some may think Chi-Raq is wack,
Brother Lee, we got your back,

For saying something!

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